martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

Cover Letter

12, West 32 Street,
Marcaibo, Venezuela
(555)-556 7890.

Mr. John White,
Motorola Inc,
257, Park Avenue South,
Plantation, FL 12345-6789.

Dear Mr. White,
I was relieved to see your post on for an Electrical Engineering new grad work, In all my years of studies I've been familiarized with the duties your listing described: Designing and developing electrical circuit blocks for subscriber two-way radio products.

As you will see from my resume, I have completed my graduation in Electronics Engineering with mention in Telecommunications from Rafael Belloso Chacin University. Currently I've completed my internship in an inportant company of telecommunications in my country. I believe that my knowladge and enthusiasm will be the asset to your company.

If you like to meet me to talk about this position and the specific tasks you'll be assigning to the Electrical Engineerings you hire, please call 555-558-7243 to arrange a time that fits your calendar. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you ahead of time for your attention to my cover letter and resume.

Miguel Fernandez.

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